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вторник, 3 марта 2009 г.

Is Warhammer Online The Destined WoW-Killer?

A lot of games have been hyped up as WoW-busters.

WoW, of course, refers to the World of Warcraft, the people's smash hit and most triumphant MMORPG, showing of more than 12 million active customers currently.

For a lot of gaming companies, to put out an MMORPG that will get to feel even a mere tenth of the success of WoW would mean a revered cash cow for their ventures. To defeat the World of Warcraft - or to be a WoW-killer as many people believe - would denote billions of dollars in returns every year.

Numerous games have dared to "slaughter" WoW.  

All of them have botched.

In September of 2008, an MMORPG was released that, though it may not "kill" the World of Warcraft, can indeed compete with it toe to toe.

I'm saying about Warhammer Online: The Age of Reckoning.

More similar how the World of Warcraft has been warmly abbreviated as WoW, Warhammer Online has been labeled as WAR, or as WAAAGH by its famous developers.

While WoW is centered on PvE, or player vs. Environment, substance, Warhammer Online takes pride in putting a PvP, or player vs. Player, experience for its customers. One of Warhammer Online's distinguishing attributes is Realm vs. Realm (RvR) fight where alliances of contradicting factions are pitted against each other in instanced or world scenarios. This RvR dynamic primarily concludes in sieges on the opposing group's main city. Once a faction's city is captured, its members will have to make do for refugee camps for a precise span of time, much to the enjoyment of the victorious side.

But RvR is just like battlegrounds and PvP servers over at WoW, you can probably perceive.

Surely, such an argument can be done, but Warhammer Online puts much emphasis on PvP side. Every time you kill a member from a rival faction, you obtain experience. Whenever you become a victor an instanced RvR situation, you get experience. Every time you complete an objective in a world RvR scenario, you acquire points.

In fact, it is probable to reach the maximum rank of 40 in Warhammer Online without needing to complete and submit a PvE quest!

Certainly, opinions can be made that Warhammer Online and WoW are the same to each other. Their prototypes are the same. Their simulation techniques echoes one another. And the manner their gaming organizations are laid out are corresponding to each other.

Nonetheless, for gamers who want to slay characters astutely controlled by other players, then Warhammer Online may attest to be a better alternative.

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