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четверг, 9 апреля 2009 г.

Being Addicted to VLTs & Gambling

There are considerate amount of activites a person could do that costs little money. It won't put a hole in your pocket going hiking or biking. Many of us like activites that let us enjoy the outdoors.  

Unfortunately VLTs (video lottery terminals) have caught the attention of many people making them a victim of the hyponotic addiction. They will sit for hours feeding money into these machines, and for a long time may not realize that their 'hobby' has become a real problem. 

It's great that everyone have a hobby, most content people in life do. A person's recreational activity shouldn't be one that hurts the emotional or financial well-being of their family. Gambling at the VLTs or playing poker might have started as an innocent pasttime for some, but it has a way of controling your life once a person becomes addicted. 

Many people who began gambling as a hobby have felt the final stings. Eventually their family has to say 'enough.' Some have lost everything including their houses, vehicles, all their possessions acquired over years of hard work. They have maxed out credit cards and are financially tied. 

VLTs and gambling are like a drug for some people. The whole act of betting their money on chance stimulates their brain causing excitement and anticipation of maybe winning. Reminder to people: VLTs weren't invented to lose money. They only kick a few dollars back to keep gambling hobbyists in their seats to fork in more money. 

Everybody knows that our economy is in poor shape. With so many hobbies to pick from and things to do outdoors, I can't see why people would want to lose money they could just keep for themselves. Don't let a simple hobby like playing a VLT machine or sitting in on a poker game ruin your life. 

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