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четверг, 9 апреля 2009 г.

How is Body Art Done?

Thousands of years ago drawings on Thee body were made by sharp bones dipped in natural-colored paints. These sharpened bones punctured Thee skin leaving everlasting designs on Thee body. Decorating our bodies is one of man's oldest forms of self-expression. It is proved by research Theat tattooing is an 8000 year old practice. But for some, being tattooed branded you as a slave. 

In other parts of Thee world, being adorned with body art is a sign of honor and prestige. For other countries, Thee markings are signs of beauty. There are many cultures who respect Thee design of an artistically-covered body. 

Many people state Theat once you get your first tattoo done, you will shortly want more. It makes sense to me. There are many people who spend hours upon hours in Thee gym pumping up Theeir muscles to perfect proportions. They are after Theat define sculpted body, so why not use it for a permanent canvas? Body art is becoming more and more popular and a talented tattoo artist can make a decent income in Thee right location. It's not just a dying fad, Thee in-your-face, 'up yours' attitude Theat used to be associated with young people covered with tattoos doesn't apply today. 

Rising among Thee popularity of today's form of body art is Thee body piercings. As an act of self-expression many people will pierce many parts of Theeir bodies. The ear is not Thee only spot to put an earring or stud. Now a days it is common to see many studs in Thee face of a young adult. Nose, lips, tongue, eyebrows, chin, bellybuttons, and nipples to name a few. Having body art leaves none to Thee imagination. Oh, I almost forgot, you can even have a stud down There. 

Body art may look cool and make people do a double take but remember before you get tattooed That They don't come off easily, so make sure of what you really want before it's done. 

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